First, I have my friend, Jen, who started as an IRL friend, then became a web friend because of distance, and ultimately stayed an IRL friend BECAUSE of staying in touch through the web. Now I'd like to CONGRATULATE her and her sweet family in the ultimate net-geek fashion, by giving her a "HAPPY NEW BABY" shout-out on my blog! Her new son Jake arrived yesterday and I'm just so excited for her and Chris and Luke! Can't wait to meet the little guy IRL :)
Next I have to say how cool and creepy it is that an Internet friend recognized me IRL and introduced herself to me at Walmart yesterday. It's totally awesome that she spoke up and that we were able to share a hug but also a little bizarre that my family is recognizable because of my posting stuff online! (Lisha, I'm totally glad you spoke, though! It was great meeting you! Even though I am saying it was weird that you recognized me, I TOTALLY would have spoken to you if the roles were reversed!)
Lastly, email, blogs, and internet forums have allowed me to become closer friends with Jamie, after meeting her IRL because of Jen. Today, we were actually able to hang out together and share a wonderful meal and afternoon together. Thankfully she took some pictures of our good time today! I'll have to continue relying on other people to help me with pictures until we find a solution to our broken camera. THANKS J for sending these my way!
Captain is growing up so quickly!
Amen to that, Amber! Can you believe he is 4 months younger than my little guy?
Stacy, thanks again for a great time! I really hope you guys come back...SOON!
Glad you guys had a great time! The pics are great!
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