I wanted to make sure it was OK with Rocky to tell y'all before I posted this and since he said it was OK -- here ya go!
Several months ago, Rocky said he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. Henry read through a children's tract with him and let Rocky answer the questions. The 3 of us talked about it and felt very confident in his understanding and salvation and prayed through the prayer of salvation with him. At that time we talked to him about the importance of baptism and how it is the next step of obedience after the salvation experience. He was not ready to make a public profession and was not ready to be baptized. As the months progressed, he continued to talk about his salvation and his confidence in being saved but said he was too shy for the public profession. We knew he definitely had a faith in Jesus and a wholehearted belief & trust in Christ as his Savior but recognized an immaturity that made him not ready to "walk the aisle."
A couple of months ago, I just really felt Rocky was having some spiritual growth. I told Henry and the girls that we should all pray very specifically for Rocky to be open to God's leading towards baptism but that we should NOT say anything to him about it. The last thing we want is to convince him he needs to be baptized and make him feel pressured to do it just because we said to do it. And two nights ago, our prayers were answered!!
After family devotions, Rocky told me he wanted to say something when the other kids were out of the room. He then whispered in my ear, "I want to be baptized!" I was so excited and told him to tell his Daddy. He did and with a huge smile on his face! We asked if he was ready to walk forward and tell the church of his decision. He said, 'yes' and we asked if he was able to answer the questions Brother A would ask him, and he said 'yes'.
So, we just wanted y'all to know that Rocky will be walking forward to make a public profession of his faith in Jesus on Sunday, July 8 during our 8:45 service.
I am SO excited! I can't wait to see him on Sunday! God is truly at work in his life! I can't wait to see where God leads this precious little boy!
That's great, Stacy!
How precious!
well, I was trying to fix my typo, but just seemed to make it worse. I wanted to say how HAPPY I was for him and your family!
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