We'll be going to bed early so we can start our FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL early! Of course "early" is relative. For most school kids, we're going to be "lucky" to start at 8:30 or 9:00, but for ME...this is really going to be a big adjustment and discpline issue. I swear this is my biggest concern. This "getting started on time" thing is what has me questioning myself, "Can I do this?"
We'll be fine, of course.
The computers were picked up Friday and they're all loaded up and ready to go. They are very cool! We do need to get internet hooked up to them soon but that's not a huge rush. (By the way, we're looking for someone to help us drop the cable down out of the attic. Our internet providers say we have a "built-in network" and that all we have to do is split the cable in the attic and drop it down wherever we need it. We would like connections in 3 more spots - so if any of you have a clue about this, we'd be interested in speaking with you!!)
Our adventures continue...Stay tuned!
Chris knows what you need to do. Call us. I don't have your new home number for some reason.
Good luck with school! cant wait to hear how it goes. see you on the 28th.
Wow! How do you do it? I think homeschooling is so cool. I would love to try but fear I would fail miserably. I have a while to decide, but a major hurdle to overcome - my husband. He is the only reason I work now. I can't explain the guilt of taking my child to daycare everyday. It is a great place, but he needs to be with me and me with him. We are not financialy wealthy, but could do fine on one salary. How do you work at home with 4 kids?
I'm new to blogging and haven't set up an identity yet. Just call me Kimmie from AR.
You can do it Stacy! If I can do it, anyone can. We're on week two here and things are going smoothly. I'd love to hear how you liked Switched On Schoolhouse at the end of the year.
Much love,
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