Last year's "Dress-Up Day" with me and the girls expanded to include the boys this year. It was so relaxing and enjoyable and will not affect our blood sugar for days and weeks to come!

D took off from work a little early and met us at the theater for a matinee showing of "The Legend Of Zorro". It was a really great movie. "Fun for the whole family!" The 3 big kids thoroughly enjoyed it and the Hud-man was spellbound during the action scenes. The only sad part was the look on Hudson's face when something bad happened to a train. He loves trains.
Afterwards we ate dinner at our 2nd favorite diner and was surprised to see on our check that ALL kids ate free....instead of just the '1 per adult'! WHOO HOO! A ten dollar meal (plus tax and tip of course!) Mmm...and free ice cream!
What a lovely evening. Donnie said, "I think this would make a great tradition!"
I totally agree.
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