"I made straight A's on my report card!"

"I can go potty ALL by myself and stand up like David!"

"I lost my first tooth!"

"I don't have cavities any more!"
The top picture shows how very excited Indie is about her WONDERFUL report card. She really loves school and learning. I hope she will love homeschooling even more next year!
The 2nd picture shows He-Man and his honest-to-goodness THRILL about being able to go tee-tee in the potty all by himself. The child is ultra-independent....which is worrisome and a blessing all at the same time. He does NOT want my help in the bathroom any more. There has been more than one occasion where I will hear him walk into the bathroom and lift the lid, tee-tee, close the lid, flush, and come up pulling on his underwear and pants! When he notices that I see him, he beams with pride!
Thirdly we see Rocky and his FIRST BARE GUM! He loved the fact that it came out without pain :)
And I saved the most exciting story for last. This story is so exciting that it is quite possible many of you won't believe it. However, I have dental records to prove this and I just can't quit being THRILLED about it!
About a year ago, Ray's dental x-rays showed some shadowing on one of her back teeth. The info was presented to us in a very non-worried way saying that it looked like a probable cavity but that since it was on a baby tooth, they'd just watch it and see if it got any worse. Six months later, we were starting to see a new dentist (recommended by our chiropractor for being very accepting of weirdos like us! LOL). Anyway, with those initial x-rays, we were told that she had 2 cavities and that we needed to schedule her for fillings. I had TOTALLY forgotten about those things!
Well, I kinda stammered my way through the conversation saying that I wasn't sure about doing fillings on baby teeth and I was told they wouldn't use mercury fillings if I didn't want them to (I can't believe mercury is even an option! especially for kids!!) but I politely told them that we would think about it and give them a call.
Of course, we never called because I had another idea.
We took a dab of gel, stuck it in some powder so that it would stick, and then packed the powdery gel onto her teeth. She'd go straight to bed without any more talking. She did this religiuosly for at least 4 months and then the practice dwindled a little bit.
And then Tuesday, when we went back for the next 6 month appointment I was greeted with the information that "both girls' teeth look great! No cavities!"
She then proceeded to pull out the x-rays of Ray's teeth and said, "And we noticed that she didn't get fillings from the last time so we x-rayed her again to see how it looked and.....well....I guess the first x-rays just showed a shadow or something."
I said, "Ray...did you hear that!? NO CAVITIES!"
She smiled the biggest smile!
I told the hygienest, "Actually, we have another x-ray from another dentist that shows the same thing and it was also termed a 'possible cavity'. But we chose to do a natural home remedy."
Her smile was polite and her nod was like, "Yeah, whatever" but she walked out of the room to tell the dentist. Just a moment later, she had her pad and pen asking for everything that we had done.
So, we are all THRILLED to report that there are NO CAVITIES in any of the kids' mouths! All 4 were given a big gold star from the dentist this week and we couldn't be happier!
1 comment:
that is a totally awesome story!!!!!!!!! man, I love Mannatech too :) my niece got some fillings the other day... I should tell Chantelle about this!
oh and I made a website about my life with CF! www.freewebs.com/cflife and I'm also updating on my blog more recently.
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