Wednesday, January 23, 2008

God Speaking Through Rick Burgess

I struggle to figure out what to type right here.

But after listening to the last words of Rick, in the unbelievable message he gave at his son's memorial service, I realize I need to toughen up. I need to quit being so easily defeated. I need to be about Kingdom work.

Pasting these videos into my blog is but a mere fraction of what I can do but it is something I MUST do, nonetheless.

Please watch these to the very end. I'm praying very specifically about some of you I know come to my blog. Please receive Jesus. He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life! Life's struggles are light when you are yoked with Him, and death is defeated when you accept His mercy and salvation.

Again, please watch these powerful videos. (turn volume way up)


Steph said...

Glad it wasn't just me with the volume thing. I heard a lot of his message on TRABS this morning but I'd love to listen and see him all at the same time. They are on my mind constantly and I just hope God's challenge via Rick Burgess stays with me. I want to post more on my blog but time just hasn't allowed yet. Glad you got these embedded in your blog though!

Stefanie said...

Hello Stacy! WOW! That's all I can say. Rick Burgess is a very powerful speaker who speaks from his heart with the words GOD gives him. These videos are a true testament of who and how we should all be. Thanks for posting them. (I've added them to my little blog, as well.) Have a great rest of the week!

michellemitch said...

I had absolutely no idea about his son. His message really puts things into perspective.

Anonymous said...

Powerful, condemning... we should be ashamed of our lack of committemnt to the Lord (I am). God bless Rick and his beautiful son for revealing to each of us our weaknesses, but though his loss there is so much to be gained - eternal life... and it is up to each one of us as he said "to be Warriors for the Kindom of God" and deliver the message of salvation and eternal life to those who have not heard. Thank you for sharing this - not sure how I came across it but the Lord's message for me (and you) is very clear - I will pass it on, I pray you will too.
Be Warroirs for Him.