Friday, October 26, 2007

Whoever Said Homes Weren't Selling?

No, I'm not posting with the excellent news that our house is sold BUT I AM posting to complain (I need one of those bracelets!) that nearly every house we have been interested in has sold.


Deep breaths...

I set up a new blog to highlight our for-sale house. It's a work in progress but maybe it will help??

By the way, THANK YOU so much to everyone who prayed and is praying for us. I am not forgetting that many of you dear readers are in the same boat of needing/wanting your house to sell, too! I assure you, I am including you in my prayers and look forward to the day we celebrate this milestone!

Even in my complaining, I truly do know God has this planned and I am praising Him for it! What incredible mercy we are shown in this fallen world...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Sorry girl. I'll keep an eye out on the next door to DH's parents' house though. It's a real beauty!