There was a cool nip in the air that was perfected with the breeze of the low-setting ceiling fan. The Gardeners were on their way to the Bama game early this morning and Henry had taken Rocky to a pancake breakfast and "Boxcar Derby." That means there were no adults in the house to make me feel guilty for sleeping in. The girls had spent the night at the Trippes so there was no sibling rivalry to deal with because the only big kid in the house was He-Man and he was more than content to play Nintendo allllllll by his little self.
And Captain is such a doll to be a lazy, loving co-sleeper. As long as I am in the bed with him, he will cozy up and snooze all day long. Or almost.
You better believe I milked it for all it was worth (pun intended!)
It's 10:30 now, though and the quiet is over. He-Man is realizing a quiet house isn't nearly as fun and he's complaining of being bored. He's asking when Rocky will be back. Captain is tired of playing around on the floor, too (which he did splendidly for a little while) and needs my attention again.
Thankfully, it's almost game-time so we'll pack it up and head over to the Trippes. THe girls will be there and Henry & Rocky will meet us there soon.
Hope you all have a lovely football day! I'll even be pulling for the Tigers today!
Roll Tide!
P.S. There's a new poll on the sidebar. Vote, why don't ya? It's even easier than commenting!
Rammer Jammer yellahammer!
That poll is keeping one from backclicking. Kinda frustrating! :)
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