Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Video I Hope To Update Soon

He-Man is the most hilarious thing to watch in my rearview mirror. But since it isn't safe to keep my eyes on him while I'm driving, I asked for him to be recorded for my viewing pleasure.

This is a little bit of him singing and dancing in his carseat but I hope to get some better footage of him when he's not so wiped-out tired. This shows him rocking out a little bit but he can REALLY put on a show when he's well-rested!

The CD we are listening to is from the group Family Force 5, which is one of the acts we saw at the Toby Mac concert several weeks ago. Rocky really fell in love with the band so we got him this CD. Turns out, we all love it! I wish we could see FF5 in concert again now that we know their songs!

I will go ahead and say that I don't know if that is a sound of flatulence or not, near the beginning of the clip. I don't remember it happening but Captain might have wanted to have his spot in the video. So if that's what it is, I'm sorry :)

Again, I'll be posting a more rockin' performance as soon as we catch it on video!


michellemitch said...

we are having a girl :)

Lisha said...

We were at that concert, too! Rain and all...