In family stuff, we went to the beach last weekend and returned Tuesday but because of our busted camera, didn't get any good pics to share. Pa Trippe took a couple but they were either fogged up by the humidity or showed my too-bouyant and scantily-clad (not really) body from a top-looking-down-into-pool-angle and I just didn't want to show you. The weather was great...hot at the right times, cool-ish breezes when needed, and a torrential downpour late in the afternoon when we needed a break from the sun. We had a great time.
In crunchy-Mommy love, I am working very hard, and starting to see success, with getting Ricki Lake to town, along with her Director Abby Feinstein for a pre-release showing of "The Business of Being Born." It hopes to be the "Unfortunate Truth" of the childbirth industry (childbirth & industry don't even deserve to go together but that's what's become of everything...) Anyway, I can't believe I'm actually getting so close to rubbing some major elbows with some real-life celebrities! More info on this soon, I'm sure!
In the "Make-A-Reservation-For-Me-In-The-Looney-Bin" category, I will share a crazy little development. Ready? We are preparing to sell our house and move back to Butterville! And if you think that's crazy, get this ... We're going to move in with my parents during the transition! I'll try to get a longer post on here about the 'hows' and 'whys' but just know that if I'm a little quiet, it's cuz we're pretty busy.
And BECAUSE of all of this, and one of the several reasons we are moving in with Ma & Pa Gardener is because of homeschooling. We haven't started yet but will start immediately after moving in with Mom & Dad. Ya see, as crazy as this might sound to non-ball-playing families...we'd REALLY like to be in a house CLOSER to the ballfields this year when we have 4 (yes, FOUR) playing. And I know that if we start school in our house NOW, I'll never get the house ready and we'll push back the selling. SO if we get OUT of the house and school elsewhere, we can have this house on the market very soon.
We're SO thankful my parents are cool enough for us to be able to hang with them for a little while. It will really be nice to be back "in town" and close to everything again. And I believe that being out of our house will prevent me from having too much more gray hair through the process.
In closing, I'll share a couple of pics from the week. Of course the first is Captain but then there's a couple showing the kids playing outside with their race track pieces dumping cars off the roller coaster into the water table. It's child abuse to send the kids outside without at least a little water to play with!
Hope you're all staying cool!

Wow-I got a little more gray hair just reading your post. Good luck with the move. Family is wonderful!! Charlotte
I hope your house selling and moving goes well. Captain is getting so big. It seems like yesterday when you posted about your birth.
Love the photos. Captain looks so much like you!!!
Good luck with the move and thanks again for the consignment tickets!
Goodness, he's growing up so fast!
And you have got to be a bit looney! Yikes! Moving in with your parents, with 5 kiddos. I lived with in-laws & with my parent at different time, since being & it was just me & D. I couldn't imagine doing that with kids. Hahaha! But I know you have to do what's best for your family.
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