Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Morning

My casserole is in the oven and we'll be leaving soon for lunch at my sister's. We plan on attempting our Christmas card pictures today, too.

No really cohesive bloggin' thoughts are pouring out right now but I felt the need to write. After all, I have so much to be thankful for!

Salvation, Mercy, Grace - With age, I'm recognizing this gift more and more and oh how thankful I am...

Donnie - He loves me and the kids so much and does way more for us than any of you guys could imagine. I love him so much!

Children - Like I tell the kiddos, "I love you so much, I just want to SQUEEZE you!" I can't describe the intensely deep emotional, spiritual, and physical connection I have with these little ones. I can't help but pat, hug, touch, or squeeze them whenever they're in touching range. They so easily forgive me when I've treated them poorly or unfairly. They desire nothing more than the love and protection and affection of me and their Daddy. They're preciously sweet children and I kick myself for ever wishing they were better at ANYTHING. They are leaps and bounds above what I deserve. They are wonderful and precious to me.

Home - I just love Home and am very grateful for it.

Parents & Sister - They are STILL there for me.

In-laws - I couldn't ask for any better. Those who know them definitely would agree.

Provisions - God has totally provided us with provisions for good health and income and all other necessities of life. I am so thankful because I know that all of these things are from God and not from any works.

Church - The Body Of Christ is more than just the members of the church we attend. As truly grateful as we are for our physical church and brothers and sisters there, it's the whole Body for which I am most grateful. What a supporting and loving gift from God. This is where I have found true and deep friendship....friendship based on love and wisdom. What a truly awe-inspiring thing to have.

From our family to yours, HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Count your blessings. Name them one by one. See what God has done. The blessings are too numerous to count perfectly but as you take the time to recognize them, reflect on the truth that all Glory is deserved ONLY by our LORD!

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