Friday, August 20, 2004

Exercise - Day 1

I did it. I joined the YMCA. Now I have no excuses. A few variations of the same excuses for not exercising:
-walking is boring without someone talkative to do it with me
-the only time I can exercise is at night when Henry an watch the kids and then it's dangerous to go outside.
-taking the kids for a walk with me is just not exercise - it's more a test of patience

Now I have childcare. I have beaucoups of classes and interesting options. I know people who can exercise with me. Classes are offered at several different times during the day and many days a week.

I did the aquatics class today. It was really great. I enjoyed the class because it wasn't butt-kicking, however I really felt that I did some major exercising. My arms will most likely be sore tomorrow (need to restock my personal supply of SPORT.)

Things I need to do:
Pray for He-Man to get used to the childcare area. He screamed the whole time (so much for the good time he had in there on my trial visit.)
Get a combination lock for locker
Get water shoes (my right big toe is blistered from running in place on the cement-bottom pool!)

Any Y members out there that would like to exercise together? I did the Y membership that allows me to go to any Y in the area!

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