Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rainy Day Became...

rained out ballgames.

Which became yummy, warm, home-cooked supper.

Which became relaxing dusk time on back porch.

Which became early kids' bedtimes (super-early for boys!)

Which became DVR'ed Earl, Grey's, Lost.

Which became a 2nd-day-in-a-row blog entry.

And all in 48 words.


Crystal said...

Woo hoo!! You did it. 2 days in a row!

I love evenings like that - no rushing around, enjoying being home. I'm glad you got caught up on your tv shows. We don't have a DVR but I really wish we did. Maybe soon. :)

Amy said...

Don't ya just love those quiet, content rainy days! I enjoyed mine yesterday. Sounds like you did too.