Would she hyphenate her name to be Toni Braxton-Hicks?
Ha :)
Amazingly, I am already feeling these doggone things. That's right...I'm 18.5 weeks pregnant and am already having these slight contractions. Of course, I already knew that each pregnancy increased their frequency and since these annoyances are probably practical in their toning of the uterus, I guess it shouldn't surprise me that they are here already.
Thank you, LORD for building in a safety mechanism that prevents my much-loved and well-serving uterus from falling out of my body.
If I can just remember that Braxton-Hicks contractions are like a workout for the womb, I can be more accepting of their arrival.
Now if I could just talk the rest of my body into getting physically fit for the big day.
I had those early on too. For about 2 months I would have them several times an hour! It got to where they were 10 minutes apart for a couple days. Turned out to mean absolutely nothing- and I was scouring the net trying to find out "what it means"...
How in the world are you already 18.5 weeks pregnant???!?!?! Wow - time flies!!!!! (at least from this vantage point!)
How in the world are you already 18.5 weeks pregnant???!?!?! Wow - time flies!!!!! (at least from this vantage point!)
And BTW - you are a HUGE dork, Stacy! Toni Braxton-Hicks! LOL :)
Rachel....surely you've had YOUR baby now, right?!? Ramblings needs an update! Tell us all about it!
Lisa, it is truly amazing to me that I'm already at (basically) the halfway point of pregnancy. Just crazy how time flies (and how that makes me sound SO old.)
As a little update to this post: I haven't had hardly any BH ctx since writing about it so hopefully they are not going to be the big nuisance I thought they would be. Maybe I was just more dehydrated that day than I realized. It was a very busy day and I guess I wasn't drinking as much water (and had been drinking sweet tea on the road instead...possibly dehydrated me more??)
Anyway, I'm thankful that things have definitely slowed down in this department.
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