LOVED THIS DAY! We parked in a front parking space, right next to the handicapped parking! We were at the beginning of the line and ready to go! We started asking for help with our map while standing at the ropes (because I was TOTALLY out of my bearings and the map is not even close to being to-scale.) As soon as the ropes fell, we joined several other very excited tourists as we were escorted by cast members to Test Track "We" actually did not include Donna because she volunteered to get the FPs for Soarin. She had said this was not her favorite ride and was easily skippable by her standards. Therefore, we assumed it would be a one-time deal for us, too. W-R-O-N-G-O! We loved it! We had to tweak our plans to add in a few more trips around the track because it was sooo fun! We also learned the BEAUTY of the "single rider" lane. We noticed it when Donnie was serving as volunteer stroller/baby-sitter. Instead of sending him back up with a Parent Swap (and a couple of kids) we decided to hurry him through by sending him to the single rider line. WAAAAAAAAAAY faster than even the FP/PS deal. Amazing. I don't know why more people didn't take advantage of it. ESPECIALLY teenagers... There is zero wait there.

Next we made our way over (after my almost leading everyone astray. It took me a LONG time to get my bearings of this huge place) to Soarin. I want to link it again because it was TRULY astonishing. I was a little nervous about it because it's a virtual reality ride. I have a history of being car-sick with some VR rides but NOT with this one. It was breathtaking. I swear it felt like flying over California in a hang-glider. The real thing could not have been too different. And the technology is so advanced that motion-sickness wasn't even close to being an issue. We rode it numerous times.
AND we found a Hidden Mickey there!
After these thrillers we started the first half of our "World Showcase" tour. First stop. Norway. Nice little viking ride there that actually DID catch us off guard for a second. Next was the extremely...uh...GENTLE (yes, that's a polite word) boat ride in Mexico. Our lunch also came from Meh-hee-ko and it was yummmmmm yum. At the table I was able to layout our schedule for the rest of the afternoon. We would be hopping from one country to another but if we followed the Times Guide just right, we'd be able to see everything we wanted.

The U.S. also has an American Showcase show that I found very moving and uplifting. It was very patriotic and educational and not at all boring. I don't think everyone in the party found it as entertaining as me (and Shayne) though.
We ended up having to scrap all other World Showcase performances for time constraints. I was a little bummed by that and wished we had scheduled an extra day here. Live and learn.

We had dinner reservations at the Garden Grill as part of our Candlelight Processional Reservations Package. This experience was one of the biggest highlights of our entire trip! We ate at this ultra-cool restaurant that revolves through The Land. Therefore our scenery was great.
And the food...ohmy...

After dinner, we took a leisurely walk back towards the World Showcase for our Candlelight Processional. We needed the walk for sure!

Lastly, we did some scrambling from the World Showcase back to Test Track for one more ride and then a mad dash back to China where we met up with Donna and Nathan for Epcot's famous fireworks and laser show. It was impressive but I do have to question why Epcot loves their TV globe so much. I didn't think it was all that great. I guess Sylvania is paying for the advertisement or something.
The worst part of the day came at the end. The traffic. Ohmygosh...
The park closes at 9. We took TGM's advice to hang back and not get in the mad dash for the door. I don't know if that was the best plan or not. With our front parking spot, being the last out of the park LITERALLY MEANT BEING LAST OUT OF THE PARK! By the time we were in our van (maybe at 9:30??) we realized we had made a huge mistake. How the heck to get out of that park?
We got desperate after seeing ZERO MOVEMENT for 30 minutes and made a mad dash for a non-exit. We got yelled at by a cast member but avoided him (and thankfully, a police chase) and melted into the bumper-to-bumper. It was after 11 when we got back to the condo (a drive that should have taken no more than 10 minutes!)

Only 2 more days of our trip. Hope you're not bored to tears yet! To be continued...

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