Doesn't EVERYONE love
Space Mountain!? Believe it or not, everyone (44 inches or taller) in OUR family does! With our experienced handling of Fast Pass and Parent Swap, we rode this ride more than we really wanted to! It was great. But the true FAVORITE of EVERYONE (including the less-than 44 inches crowd) was
Buzz Lightyears's Space Ranger Spin. And I must say that
TGM's hints for playing this game allowed me to kick booty all over the place. I got the highest score every time! (Not bragging, of course! -- LOL) I wouldn't have had a clue if it wasn't for TGM, though...and everyone else would have rubbed me out if I didn't have a little insider information.
Thankfully we knew we would be hitting this park again at the end of the week so we didn't cram everything into 1 day. We did make this another late night so we could watch the
Spectromagic Parade and Wishes Fireworks display. It was ~~**M**A**G**I**C**A**L**~~

This picture is from the longest line-wait we had...a whopping 30 minutes (yeah, baby.....)
Pirates of the Caribbean doesn't have Fast Pass so we had to do it the old-fashioned way. Still, because of our timing, we were able to hit it pretty well. It DID give us the opportunity to tell the kids about the 'good ol' days of standing in line forEVER when all of us were younger.

Popsicle Break

This is Hudson happily waiting for the Spectromagic parade.
Coming...(waiting with baited breath...I know)
Day 3 - Animal Kingdom
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