Is "Happy" really the appropriate word for Memorial Day? I mean, YES, I want everyone to be happy and I want everyone to have a good Memorial Day...I just wonder if saying "Have a Happy Celebrate-Our-Fallen-Soldiers Day" is exactly right.
However, today I can have complete confidence in saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lovely Harris Anne. She is 8 today!
We started our morning with a family brunch. Gjo & PePaw, MeMe & PawPaw, Donna, Nathan, and Stacey all came over for some brunch-umptious Quiche & Mashed Browns (ymmm). We then entertained the crowd with a concert & play by the children.
Several weeks back, we were "supposed" to do the piano recital thing. It coincided with (can you guess??) softball & t-ball. We also had to nix the school Talent Show because of athletics. So, we decided that we'd use this day to let the children showcase their work from this past year.

Shayne opened the program with the national anthem, which she played on her electric guitar. It was cool. The next few numbers consisted of the girls taking turns dazzling us with their instruments. Harris Anne tickled the electric keyboard "ivory" while Shayne impressed us with snippets of Aerosmith's "Dream On" and Smashmouth's "All-Star" They closed the musical acts with a duet of "Ode To Joy." This portion of the program was a hit!

After a few gymnastics moves by David, the girls were changed into their costumes for the play "Wait! What's That?" written and directed by Shayne. All 4 children were in this production and it was quite funny. It ended with "it was just a dream" a la "Dallas" or "Bob Newhart" style.

It was a good day. After the crowds were gone, we played a round of Cranium Family Fun then the kids went outside to play with the hose in the backyard.
The afternoon & evening ended up being about 90 miles of unexpected driving but we're finally home and settled down now. The driving consisted of a couple of "long stories" and weren't eventful enough for blogging.
So now I need to hit the hay. Goodnight y'all :)
1 comment:
I couldn't come up with a good Memorial Day post, possibly because I was tired out of my mind, but this was a good one.
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