We celebrated at the planetarium (best party place in the city! H.A. even said, "This is better than Pump It Up!") with a couple of friends and our family. There was an awesome slide presentation on the big dome, of his little life up to now. (I can email you an invite to see Hudson's Birthday Album if you're interested...just comment or email)
Today was particularly special because it was truly a day of HOOKY for the kids, too. We've let David play hooky before but this is the FIRST TIME we've allowed the girls to skip out. Shayne and I just got in from TX at midnight and she had gotten almost zero sleep while we were gone. It would have been a really bad day for her at school. So, we let them all stay here.
Of course, Hudson's birthday and party played into the decision-making, too. I just had SO much to do. Even with Donnie's help (he took the afternoon off) and not having to do the running around with taking and picking up from school, we were slammed for time. I think missing school was the right thing today.
Shayne's teacher lives around the corner from us. When we returned home this evening, her assignments were on the steps. How nice :) (It REALLY was!)
I have had the best time over the last couple of days. I've had a chance to correspond and chat (phone) with a couple of friends from WAAAAY back. It's been cool.
I haven't uploaded any pictures from my own camera but I snagged this pic from Cheryl's husband (Marc)'s email. Shayne and I had a great time hanging out together and becoming Manna-pumped this past week. I just love this girl SO MUCH!

1 comment:
Happy Birthday Hud-Man! :)
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